GIMP 2.8! Single-Window

Major release terbaru dari GIMP (The GNU Image Manipulation Program) telah hadir!

GIMP 2.8 Splash - Windows

GIMP 2.8 Splash – Windows

Apa yang baru? Saya juga gak begitu ngerti :D Ya karena saya bukan desainer yang sering pakai fitur-fitur spesifik software ini jadi gak hafal.

Tapi yang paling dirasakan oleh saya dan mungkin mayoritas pengguna GIMP adalah adanya “Single-Window Mode“. Dengan mode ini, tampilan GIMP tidak terpisah-pisah dan jadi satu window yang rapi dan menurut saya jauh lebih mudah dioperasikan.

Foto saya sedang diedit menggunakan GIMP 2.8

Foto saya sedang diedit menggunakan GIMP 2.8 :D Untuk mengakses Single-Window Mode dapat melalui menu Windows > Single-Window Mode

Pengguna Distro Linux mungkin sudah bisa memperbarui GIMP-nya ke versi ini melalui repositori. Tapi saya saat ini sedang menggunakan Windows 7, dan untuk Windows 7 GIMP 2.8 bisa di-unduh di sini. Selamat berkarya!

Report on #XLaluBerbagi Bandung

Last month, XL and IdBlogNetwork invited Mozilla Indonesia to attend to their event, “Mobile Data Service” at 27th April 2012. Fauzan and I came to the event and had a great talk with blogger and IT enthusiast communities in Bandung, including Bandung Blog Village, Batagor, Promoote, Plurk-ID, Saung IT, and many others. There are approximately 50-60 people came this event.

Blogger and IT Communities in Bandung came to this event

Blogger and IT Communities in Bandung came to this event – photo taken by Aldy Putra

On the last session of this event, all of the communities leaders was invited to talk briefly about their communities’ activities in the front of the people there.
Fauzan Alfi was talking about Mozilla Indonesia activities

Fauzan Alfi was talking about Mozilla Indonesia activities – photo taken by Rika Verry Kurniawan

It’s fun to know that bloggers in Bandung know and really familiar with each other. It’s also a nice experience for me to meet with great new people.
XL, IdBlogNetwork

XL, IdBlogNetwork – photo taken by Aldy Putra

the people

the people – photo taken by Aldy Putra